Philonous Zod
(Arch-lector Pointificus of Sun Mountain)
The highest office of learning in the known world is that of Arch-lector Pointificus at the renowned Sun Mountain Academy. The current holder of the office is the 99th to hold the honors. Philonous Zod grew up as a preacher's son out in the provinces, but renounced the teachings of any one religion in favor of true enlightenment as a philosopher. A famous child genious, he has written dissertations on every topic known to man, and helped found many new academic disciplines throughout his long career.
Philonous is known to be a man of impeccable moral and intellectual fibre. Perennial rumors that he likes to drink and gamble, that he's actually from a well-known Caryssian noble family, and that he is responsible for the deaths of several powerful men, are proven erroneous as a matter of course. |