NAN Encyclopaedia
The Irrat and the Sho-Caudal States
The Irrat was first founded in 3670 PC after the beginning of the Free State Alliance. It is an advisory kimmit of free people where disputes, alliances and international agreements can be discussed. The Irrat building was contributed to by all founding races and built in the now neutral and abandoned lands of Sharden. To commemorate the extinct tologra of Sharden, the Irrat building includes much art and architecture of the long lost and proud tolograns.
In 3806 the Irrat gained much greater power through the Sho Preservation Act which strictly regulated the use of harmful sho-technology after the first cataclysmic signs of a failing sho-sen. The Shan Wardens were set up as guardians of the sho-sen and today supervise all Free State use of sho-technology. |
Irrat building in Sharden |
Full Irrat voting rights are today appointed to:
The Free State Coalition:
Buridoth (Ardia, Sobaya, Sychillia, Gaussia, Koisia, Yorkia and Dow)
The Seven Shan Sects (Ca-Shal, Ca-Gobey, Ca-Desti, Cie-Ebba, Ca-Launtra, Ca-Du and Ca-Tra)
New Carrisey
The Jaspian Conglomerate
The UHC (United Human Collective)
The United Dobren States
The Greater Ramian Hegemony:
The Voligire Tirtive
The SouthSea Matirikiv
The Vareech God-King
The Exiled Fathers
The Void Fathers (Void Hegemony)
DMCLIS (Disembodied Mountain Crown Library Information Society)
Secondary - limited - voting rights are today appointed to: (often known as the Neutral States)
The Crugar (Twelve recognized Nations today)
SoutSea Salu Kingdom
Seawood Society (A.k.a. the Kingdom of Sabira or the Tchobyska-Salu Symbiot Society)
The "Iron Empire"
The Draconis Empire (16 Thanterian Duchies allied under one Emperor)
The Ceridisian Empire of Northern Drail (Often referred to as the Iron Duchies)
Kingdom of Erucia
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