Upon returning from its final test run to Atlantis, the FSS Mayatrish was caught in an unprecendented Elysium Isho Bridge surge as two low resonance isho field bridges temporarily merged and jumped locations. FSVC mission command reports a loss of communcation with both FSS Mayatrish and the Elysium colonies for more than 28 hours. Early this morning troveel transmission returned to normal and Captain Sordon D'Serris of the FSS Maytrish reports that the ship suffered no structural or technical damages. "FSS Mayatrish is the newest and best built void vessel of the FSVC. It was built to cope with surges like these." reported the currently most famous void vessel captain of the Sho system.
Concerns have now been raised whether the launch of the Origins Expedition now will be delayed, pending a more thorough examination of the FSS Mayatrish. |

EB Energy surge around Elysium's moons, as seen by a sho scope |