Coming soon....
The Ice Fields of Gilthaw
The cold walk
By the pibbers bite .. the cold is killing me, this is the first pause we have had since we fled the cleash nest. I can hardly feel my hands and I lost the feeling of my feets hours ago. We have been walking for hours now. It feels like we have been walking forever. All I can think about is how unlucky we have been since we where shown the great secret about the tepenna shooners. The only good thing about the cold is that the smell of these dirty cleach cloths where almost unberable, now I cant smell anything. Time to move on, before we freeze to the ground.
No Food
I think we will perish here. I don't trust those
fishermen to remember the way to the port. I can see that they hesitate where to go sometimes. Better not say anything, bad for moral. We are out of food now. Is it a sin to eat another human beeing when you have no food? They say It will be another day before we reach the port. I will belive that when I see It. |
The port
Finally at the dusk we spotted the port, there it was on the other side of the bay. It was a sight for cold feets. As much as we where happy we also lost hope. The whole bay where frozen and open water could not been seen.
This was the fist night that the sky where not clouded. Some kind of strange green isho storm where dancing in the sky like waves or vails in the hand of a bellydancer. The muadra said that the isho weather where stable and that it was not a isho storm. Perhaps the cleash like the lamori have some kind of perverted isho that they twisted for their own purpose and that the caji couldn't pick it up beacuse he was not sensitive to it.
The bay was frozen and we could not spot open water as far as the eye could see so we decided to climb a hill to get a better look. Even though the spooky green light where dancing over the sky I couldnt see any open water anywhere but the caji with his green eyes said that he could see the ocean almost by the horizon. In the bay we noticed three small houses. |
A strange place to be building houses on so we presumed that they must be some kind of sledges used as guardhouses. Cleash and scramis is know for their low tolerance against cold, so they probably needed some kind of shelter when they where out patrolling. For some strange reason the cleash harbour wasn't frozen. What kind of creepy monster or magic where causing this? We had no time to ponder over this, we had to get into the warmth and get some food into our bellys. We decided to attack the three small houses out in the bay and hoped that if we did it quick enough they wouldnt be able to sound the alarm.
Fourthy exhausted men stormed each of the houses. To our luck these houses where not guardhouses but they where fishing huts used by the scarmis. They surely would have spotted us if they keept guard. Our blades killed the few scarmis swiftly. The huts where small and luckely the scarmis had catched some fish already so we all could get something into our stomach, more or less raw. The time where not on our side so after getting some heat from the fire in one of the huts me, Goja, Jaqueline and caji Lee decided to scout the habour. It didnt seem like the cleash expected intruders we had not seen any scouts or guardposts after or during the attack on the huts.
As I said before the harbour where free of ice. On one of the ship we found a couple of barrels with some strange liquid that where not frozen. I performed a scientific experiment on the ice and found that this where the fluid that keep the harbour free from ice. It was a long way out to open water and according to my calculations we needed about eighty barrels to be able to get a ship out to the shore. We decided that I where to go and fetch 15 able men to start melting the ice and get a ship out.Meanwhile the other started to scout the cleash village
I had gather the men and we just where going to go back to the village when we noticed that the men I had left in the harbour where stormig back to us. They where still far away but we could see that they where chased by a group of scarmis. We stormed to aid them and hoped that they where able to hold stand against the feared cleash servants untill we could aid them.
The caji did a remarkable job, he wowe a dysha all around them and stuggled with keeping it up as the scarmis bashed their spears against it. We arrived in the nick of time just a couple of seconds after the caji's isho wore out. The scarmis where no match for our blades. |
The cleash had alerted of our presence. What are we todo. We took the sledge houses and headed out on the ice to gather our thoughts and tend our wounds. Little hope is left and tomorrow we are planning to attack the harbour to try to get a ship free and head out to the sea.
If someone finds this diary then you know what has happen. Please take it to Ardoth and give it to the Dharsage and you will be rewarded... May the moons be with us.. and long live Burdoth and the Dharsage!
Pirates Gold
Coming soon....
Tepenna for Burdoth
Coming soon.....
The Foul Lamorri
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