Celestial body type :
Planetary Satellite |
Distance from gravity well :
403 401 km |
Equatorial Diameter :
4 822 km |
Mass :
4,79 x 10^23 kg |
Orbital period :
55 days |
Orbital inclination : |
12 degrees |
"The Red Harbinger" (shantic)
"Eilrouq" (Fransei) -Red Eye
"Tor Jarca" (Erucian) -Jarca's Grand
"Ssabla" (Abahth) -The Fire God
The swirling red giant of a moon looms overhead. A silent reminder of history's darker times.
The Ongoing Campaign
There is no name of the ongoing campaign of totally 52 tales that has been played from 1987 to 2005. Maybe it could be called Jorune Adventures, or The Scum of Jorune and What They Do For a Living , or simply ...... Tales from Jorune.........
A brief summary of each tale can be viewed here. (Mostly for the enjoyment of those that have endured those long evenings and the thousands of die rolls.)
Adventure Summary
Other adventures :
Played for unknown or obvious reasons with other characters than those from the main campaign.
The Troubles of Humber (Old, silly adventure and introduction to Jorune)
Jorune 3650 PC (set 100 years in the future with revolutionary new technology)
Player Adventure Resumés |
Whenever a player arrives late for a game session and asks the question:
"OK, what's happened so far...?"
a shiver and a moan passes the assembled players. Especially if three other players already have arrived late and asked the same question.
Therefore, all players wishing to update their fellow players before a session can post it here. Vice versa the chronically late players can look here for an update....
WARNING: This info could be in Swedish, English, Hindu.....who knows....
OK, What's happened so far.....?
Characters |
Characters have come and gone over the years, as Jorune takes its deadly toll on those foolhardy enough to poke their noses into places where no man should ever go. The main characters are Original Heroes (the remains of the original batch + newcomers) and Next Generation Heroes (new and upcoming heroes). Other characters are "guest" characters, controlled by players who have wished to have a break from their main character. |
Snogard a.k.a. "The Vodra" [Original Hero]
Other aliases: Tomlin the Chef, The Doctor, Captain Tallin.
A cunning Drenn and DharCopra Caji of significant power and stunning features. Although lacking various body parts, legends hold him to be the legendary, but largely unknown Ardothian diyorda known as "The Vodra". Other rumours speculate that he in fact is a Red Cape agent. Snogard was once declared a shissic of Burdoth for his friendship with Lukazail but is now a newly appointed Drenn.
Jeremiah "Jer-Emiah" Gerrig [Original Hero]
Originally an orphaned jer of Miedrinth, who attained a reputation as a capable condrij and attaining drennship. Jeremiah has fought, tracked and cooked limilates out of most creatures of Jorune. At one time declared a shissic of Burdoth for his friendship with Lukazail but later interrogated, freed and reinstated as a Drenn. |
Jaqueline de Montluc [Original Hero]
A Ros Crendorian priestess, sworn to protect the world from the powers of the Dreamlords (lamorri). The High Priestess of Ros Crendor (Mother) has sent her out into the world to learn about the Dreamlord's growing powers outside Ros Crendor. Having faced already three Dreamlords, her knowledge is rivalling those of the Agari. Having sworn to free her realm of the Fallen Priestesses who recently usurped Ros Crendor and killed Mother, Jqculeine searches for a dangerous Dreamlord artefact. |
Pjire Fickie [Original Hero]
A large Ros Crendorian boccord tribesman who without really understanding why, has been appointed by Mother to be Jaqueline's protector in most foreign lands. Known for his dim-witedness, fearless (berserk) demeanor and his overindulgence in the battle limilate Aruik. Loud, strong and deadly, but calm and sweet as a pibber when under the stern gaze of Pretéss Jaqueline. For his valour, Pjire was newly appinted Drenn, little understanding the implications and responsibilities associated with this honoured title. |
Khaine Johennon [Original Hero]
A well travelled and well spoken iscin from Ardoth. A coward but a Drenn. At one point he was stripped of his drennship and declared a shissic of Burdoth for his friendship with Lukazail. After some years in a dark forgotten herris, Khaine was freed and once again elevated to Drenn status. Whether he still trusts and loves Burdoth is an open question for debate, but this has not prevented him from becoming a Kimmit of Gauss.
Prince Gorramar II [Original Hero]
The spoilt and wayward Kan Lenkhan prince of Lendûra has been sent to Burdoth to learn more about the world, people and his holy task to one day lead the Kan Lenkha. He has currently teamed up with dubious, Kimmits, Drenns, Tauthers and barbarians who seem to switch between hero and shissic status more often than a pibber in a corondon nest would thist. |
Therri [Origingal Hero]
The redcapre hishtin of Ardoth has served the Cryshell Palace as a Redcape for many years and distinguished himself in both human and muadra society. But when a ruthless dictator assumes power in Burdoth and begins prosecuting muadra sholari Therri decides he doesn't want to be part of the brutalities.... More coming |
Yaran Garde [Original Hero]
The former war hero of the ramian invasion - stemming from the distinguished Garde family of Gauss - has fallen to shame with the rise of the dictator of Burdoth Rasec Turgerin. Siding with rebellious kimmits, drenns and tauther, Yaran now seeks revenge and a way to restore his and his family's honour....More coming |
Zodian "Big Z" Tildor [Next Generation Hero]
The famous, brutal and self-loving ex-captain of the Ardoth Butchers Khetla team has fallen from grace and fame to squalor and drink. After eeking out an existance amongst the shasts as a celebrity bouncer - paid in rusper - he has turned to the Cryshell Palace for a chance to earn a steady income - as a tauther.
The fact that he is a celebrity probably owned this burly, boccord drunkard his tauther challisk but now he has to prove his worth to the realm and to the Dharsage. |
Burt Carlissey
After serving the Drailoth military and seeing their total disregard for the hard workin', peace lovin', mutant hatin' settlers in Drailoth, Burt has come to the old (and cold) motherland himself to become a tauther and native come home to the motherland to become a tauther and - as his Ma always said - do something with his life.
With the challisk, his trusted crossbow and with a handful of fate from the Coralli gods, Burt might yet avenge his butchered family and free his brothers and sister from the clutches of the vile ramian. |
Lukazail Laholahan [Retired / Guest character]
A huge, cruel and vengeful boccord condrij and crey-man with a terrible visage and uncertain loyalties to Burdoth's dharsage, the ramian and the shanta. This unlikely Drenn of Burdoth was once declared a shissic of Burdoth for his treason and involvement in helping rebels usurp the Rhakesht of the Drailoth colony. Despite being somehow linked to the murder of the Dharsage's son, the murder machine is once again a Drenn and loose in the world. |
Mojjk "Just Mojjk" [Retired / Guest character]
A silent travelling condrij. The grim warrior is also a highly skilled tracker and can reputedly climb any surface. After having faced death, Mojjk has changed somewhat and many are frightful what kind of ties and loyalties a Dreamlord's gift of life brings. |
Nod Noroc [Retired/Guest character]
An ardisian entris and Burdothian patriot, who has gotten himself mixed up with the wrong kind of roughnecks and shissics. Formerly the advisor to Burdoth's ambassadors to Japs and Khodre, Nod is now forced to rely on vulgar violence to preserve his very person (far away from civilisation). Recently elevated as a hero when returning as an emmissary of the long lost Sky people, Nod bathes in the light of fame and glory. |
Preko Dos Kebeshane [Retired character]
A Heridothian Whitehand and firstborn son of House Kebeshane. Although originally captain of the House guards, Preko set out to find evidence about an insidious conspiracy known as the Berella that threatened House Kebeshane as well as the Wheel and Heridoth itself. In the end the patriotic Whitehand returned to Heridoth and uncovered the dread plot. Earning him and his house respect in the terrible times to come in Heridoth, as well as enemies amongst the Berella. |
Rissa Willham Arcat [Guest / Temporary character]
The secretive and silent shadow. Originally a fusheen klade assassin, the slender man now travels the roads of Jorune in order to flee his unseen enemies and gather wealth to protect someone or something he holds dear.
Drogan the Beaster [Guest / Temporary character]
A kind animal trainer and circus artist from the human societies of Tan-Iricid. Having travelled extensively throughout Thantier and the Drail colonies, the beaster sought adventure for a while with the hard heroes of the tale. His always smiling face and trusting demeanor makes him a unique and totally unselfish individual in a world of thugs. His pet Alatus (a poisonous winged snake) has however scared many men.
Falkem "Old Fart" Johnom [Guest / temporary character]
A 50-year-old (looks like 60) sailor/pirate with extremely acute (but selective) hearing. The old bag has a tendency to survive everything and has claimably drunk his own piss and cooked his boots several times at sea.
Was last seen alive and kickin' in Aylon -03.
Friends & Foes |
After countless adventures, scandals, skirmishes and sometimes even love-affairs, the characters of the campaign have gained many foes.....and even some friends, across Jorune.
Friends & Foes
Other stuff |
Rules revision
Finally!! Got my act together and scribbled down some of the rules we use. I wasn't happy with the original rules for Skyrealms of Jorune and therefore stole the best parts of Harnmaster (combat) and Rolemaster (skill system) + added a lot of other stuff myself.
Codex Jorunis |
Funny scenes UPDATED
For those that can read Swedish, here's a short essay detailing funny events/scenes in both Jorune and other RPGs:
Stunder att minnas |
Jorune PBM
When living in New Zealand one year to play rugby, I tried to run a Jorune PBM (Play By Mail). It turned out to be too much work for me and ended after 20 sessions with my surprise homecoming to Sweden. Unfortunately, its also in Swedish.
Jorune PBM
Tempelmysteriet |
Jorune novel
During my student years I started to write a novel set on Jorune. In New Zealand I completed it and am now correcting it and re-reading it. It is written in Swedish, but I want to publish it in English (If any publisher would be interested that is.....) I suppose that the chances of that happening are minute and I might simply have to re-write it all in English one day (although I don't know if my English is good enough.)
[ A short description of the plot and a translated fragment will be posted here.......soon....hopefully. ]